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Altair Annual Picnic

About this event

Come enjoy this summer evening in Inge's lovely backyard  (directions below).  This is a potluck event and there will be live music by The Garden Weasels and Teresa.  Bring your camp chair, Altair picnic set, beverages and potluck dish with serving utensil. 

6:00 pm Arrive/Socialize
6:15 pm Potluck
7:00 pm Music and dancing on the grass


34801 Mathews Road, Eugene.  Inge's phone number:  541-968-5540

Drive South on I-5 and take exit 188, Hwy 58 to Oakridge.

Stay left towards Oakridge.

In 0.2 miles, turn right on Mathews Road.

Continue for 1.6 miles and look for balloons and an Altair sign on the left marking the entrance to Inge's.


You will be directed where to park, the walk is not far to the backyard.  There is limited parking up in front of the house for those with mobility limitations and for the band unloading equipment.

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM


Inge Tarantola's backyard
34801 Mathews Road
Eugene, OR  


Social events, Games, Wine tours, etc.

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

P.O. Box 70528

Springfield, OR 97475